Monday, May 27, 2013

Karl & his companion, Elder Cowart (right) and the Letorre family

Karl & Elder Cowart eating where they lived at Puerto Montt

Elder Stratford, the ship captain, and Elder Turley, & Elder ? on a touring ship in 1966


Monday, May 13, 2013

Catholic Church in Santiago

Inside the church = VERY ORNATE!!

This is a POST OFFICE!

We rode a tram up San Cristobal Hill in the middle of Santiago. This is the view

This is the Virgin Mary on top of San Cristobal
In a chapel on the hill are GORGEOUS stone carvings

Preschoolers singing in front of post office
This is our picture of the week- at the foot of the statue.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hiking Arizona

These are a little older but I thought I'd share.  It's getting to hot to hike now so Syd and I have been enjoying the amenities of an indoor, air conditioned gym and lots of swimming.

Wildflowers on 4 Peaks

Syd & I - hike to Wind Cave

Wind Cave - Sign Says:
"Travel beyond this point is NOT recommended"
What I read..."challenge, how much farther can you go"

Brooklyn goes to Prom!

Brooklyn had her first Prom last night.  It was so fun helping her get ready.  They had a great day together.  They had a huge group that played games and went swimming in the afternoon.  She said she had so much fun they didn't want to wrap it up.  She had to rush getting ready because they were so late getting back.  You would never be able to tell.  She is gorgeous (I'm only slightly biased).  She said the dance was a blast!

Friday, May 3, 2013

This week we took the metro to Karl's & Van's old mission home in Santiago.  They use it now as an MTC for some of the spanish-speaking missionaries.  What a BEAUTIFUL old  home!

This is us standing in front of the old mission home with Millie & Van Layman, our temple trainers.